August 10, 2000 About me!  =)Email Jayson!

Alrighty!  I thought the site looked a little too much like Halloween had struck, so I countered with the blue color.  Notice the cool bust graphic that hit the navbar, that will link to the about page.  Although I'm still mulling over the site elements, I am likely going with:

  • A Chess Page - My latest game fad. 
  • A Poker Page - Everyone should know how to play and bluff!
  • A Wireless Page - One of the most obfuscated fields I've ever tackled.
  • A Palm Pilot Page - I'm coding for this right now.
  • HTML Rules Page - I'm the master. =)
  • A Workout Page - Just to keep track of my lifting patterns.  The body houses the mind!


August 9, 2000 Email Jayson!

 Okay, I broke down and created tables for the text so I could get the text away from the exact left of the screen.  I think I must have spent too much time around designers, cause it bothered me.  I also made the nifty email graphic as the start of my navbar, a few sharp intuitive graphics on the title bar and I should have a fully functional nav.  I'm quite proud of the idea. =)

Tonight I helped out on the Entertainment Media Law Page.  Yeah, I know they have a tunnel page.  I created it and put it live.  But it's kinda cool and it's not like it's a daily news page that people come back to again and again.  I do love the page.  Ever check out a normal law site?  B-o-r-i-n-g.  This one was well designed.  It would be better if the designer were a web designer and knew to work from the web palette before creating the graphics.  Notice how the graphic colors a just a little off.


August 8, 2000 Email Jayson!

 Hmm, lost track of a few days there...anyway, you can see the difference in the site.  I think it's coming together fairly well, the green text is going to have to go.  I fixed the red border on the edge of the graphic.  Now I'm adding an indent on the left.  Looks like I have a fairly decent news site coming up.  News about me and my site, but that's what I have it for.  My little piece of the Internet.  Short side note for any designers.  I'm using a transparent GIF on the left side right now instead of dropping everything into a table.  I really hate waiting for tables to render so have chosen to use a graphic for now.  For anyone who cares to understand what I'm talking order for any browser to render a table, it must first wait until that last <TR> tag comes in (not <TABLE>) and then the browser can tally up screen real estate and render everything where it is supposed to be.  Most people want to see text immediately, so I have a few tables on the page (representing my nice orange dividers) and the tables only go one level deep and then there is text.  

Yes, I know it screws up when you change the size of the browser, but I'm too tired tonight to figure out why.  Oh well, I'm not a Jakob Nielsen, but I try.

Don't bother looking at the source yet either, it's the normal, unoptimized slop that FP2000 throws up.  Don't ask me why I'm not using my DreamWeaver, it's a far better product.  Maybe I'm a bit nostalgic.  Navbar coming soon!



August 6, 2000  

I was a bit more industrious last night and made a quick graphic and table.  I also changed the font to Arial to get rid of that Newbie Times New Roman look.  Since this is likely to be an update page, I'm sampling header files.  What do you think?  I know, the red pixel edge has to go.  It's an evolution.

August 6, 2000

Uh oh!  There may a be a bit of a trend here, another update over one weekend.  Bear with me while I tinker with new colors.  I like the black background because it's easier on the eyes, the rest of the text is open game.  Anyway this is a reminder to myself to check out this site when I get to work.  Brain teasers are the best and I found a couple of cool ones on this site.

The other reminder to myself is to add standardization to the site.  Here's a quick list:

That's enough for now.  Sipping on a Starbuck's drink today on a slow afternoon, I noticed a line form in the middle of the day.  Quite bizarre given there wasn't a line for hours, then at like 2:30 BAM! there were 7-8 people standing there.  So, I pondered if this is the exact same phenomena we see when we are driving down the road and hit a mysterious traffic jam on the highway.  I'm thinking that there must be some sort of algorithm here to predict the frequency of these occurring.  (Useless, I know, but I think of this shit, you'll know I was drunk when you actually see the equation later on) or someone who cares enough emails me, but then nobody will see this site, unless they found it on ICQ. =)

Speaking of  ICQ people, here is my pic.

August 5, 2000
This page was just put up to get rid of the default one. =)

I should be able to put up something else within a week.
